Over one-quarter of driving accidents each year are affected by bad winter weather conditions, resulting in vehicle and property damage, injury and death. That’s why it’s so important to make sure, as heavy rain, snow, sleet, fog, wind and ice return, that you, your family and car are protected.
Here are a few ways to make sure you’re ready for whatever winter throws your way:
Change your wipers: Bad visibility is a top reason drivers get in accidents, especially in winter. If your windshield wipers are leaving streaks or wiper blades appear dry, stiff or cracked, it’s time to replace them. While you’re at it, buy an extra set and leave them in your trunk, along with a full container of washer solution that contains antifreeze.
Turn on the AC: It may sound counter-intuitive, but if your windows are fogging and frosting up from the cold outside, your vehicle’s air conditioning, even set to a warm temperature, will help by removing humidity.
Check the lights: Snow, slush and dirt can cover up your headlights (and brake lights), reducing visibility for you and other cars around you. Wipe your lights on a regular basis, especially after long drives and bad weather conditions.
Check your battery: Car batteries are less effective in cold weather conditions and engine oil gets thicker, making it more difficult for your car to turn over. Have your car battery professionally tested and replaced if it’s on its last legs. The last thing you need is a dead battery in the middle of a snowstorm.
Warm up your engine: If you live in an area where the temperature drops significantly and if you often park outside, consider an engine block heater that can be plugged into an electrical outlet.
Lube your locks: Moisture in your car door or trunk locks can freeze in very cold conditions and make them hard to open. Use a silicone spray to lubricate your locks before it gets really cold. And if you’re already locked out, lock antifreeze can help.
For even more useful ways to protect yourself in winter, click here and here. And please remember to share your own winter driving tips and experiences in the Shop Talk blog community forum.

Did you know? Be ready for an emergency
Keeping an emergency kit, including road flares, a jack, flashlight, blanket, ice scraper, sand, snacks and first aid kit, in your trunk is always a good idea, especially in winter.
I agree that accidents are common during winter. Some regions receives snowfall during winter which makes it really difficult for vehicles to get better grip on the road surface covered with snow which leads to accidents. So, winter tires should be used in the place of ordinary tires to get better traction on the road surface. Apart from this, use of damaged components in the vehicle is also responsible for accidents. So, the condition of different components should be inspected properly and replacement of damaged components is really necessary to prevent any types of major accidents.
Winter car maintenance is a seasonal car care assignment. When it comes to winter driving, the risk factor increases suddenly. Paying a little attention to both interior and exterior is the only way to keep the road companion free of any kind of misfortune during the Jack Frost. The freezing temperature can affect various parts of the automobile. Thus, as a vehicle owner, you should check battery, check coolant and engine oil, check the condition of the wiper blades and replace if necessary, replace the old tires with winter tires, check the electricals and check the brake, in order to make your speed machine prepared for all kinds of winter provocations.
This article provides very important information regarding winter maintenance of the vehicle. Winterizing of the vehicle before the arrival of winter season should be the prior concern for the vehicle owners. Different types of fluids used in the vehicle thickens during the winter season due to the extreme colder temperature. So, such fluids needs to be replaced with suitable thinner alternatives for better results. Apart from this, use of winter tire would be more beneficial during the winter season. Because such tire could produce better traction on the road surface covered with snow than ordinary tires.
Would like to be healthier.
Seems like a waste of time
My car is a lease so the mechanical things I leave to the dealer. I always keep a couple of old towels in the trunk so I can clean off the lights. I think turning on the A/C is a good suggestion for defogging the
windows, I have not heard that one before.