In our era of fake news, here’s a reality check: there’s actually no scientifically accepted definition of what superfoods are or what makes a food super. Like comic book superheroes, superfoods are the product of creative minds – in this case, who want to get you to eat better, or sell you foods that you wouldn’t think of buying in the first place.
But while the term might be a bit hazy, there’s no question that many of the foods labeled ‘superfood’ are rich in nutrition and eating more of them – along with regular exercise – is a smart way to improve your health.
Among the benefits often associated with superfoods are:
- Improved nutrition – Superfoods are usually rich in nutrients and low in saturated fats and processed sugars.
- Strengthened immunity – Nutrients and chemicals in superfoods are believed to keep your immune system in working order so it can fight off colds and some other diseases.
- Cell health – Many superfoods are rich in antioxidants, which help fight off free radicals and may ward off diseases like cancer.
- Heart health – Much of the good stuff found in superfoods can also protect your heart and keep your circulation system in good shape.
- Weight control – The nutrients in many superfoods can help you control your calorie intake and, in some case, even help you burn calories.
- Healthy skin – Superfood antioxidants as well as nutrients like Vitamin C can help reduce skin damage and keep it looking healthier.
Not everyone agrees on all superfoods, however most dieticians and nutrition scientists do agree that eating these foods is a pretty super place to start:
Berries – While blueberries get a lot of the glory, other berries like strawberries and cranberries are also rich in vitamins, fiber and phytochemicals like flavonoids.
Whole grains – Unlike refined grains, whole grains retain much of the natural nutrients, including fiber, which lowers cholesterol and promotes intestinal regularity. Beans and quinoa are also pretty super.
Kale – Like blueberries, kale gets all the attention but the truth is a lot of other dark leafy vegetables, like spinach, cabbage, chard and broccoli are high in vitamins, fiber and calcium. While not green or leafy, sweet potatoes and squash provide many of these benefits.
Fish – Plants and vegetables make up the bulk of superfoods but fatty fish like salmon, sardines and mackerel are superfoods in their own right thanks to their high omega-3 fatty acid content.
Fruits of the moment – Hardly a week goes by without a TV news report about another fruit superfood, like açai (pronounced ah-sah-EE), dragon fruit and pomegranate. They’re certainly healthy to eat – and better than downing a bag of chips – but often less expensive familiar fruits like raspberries contain many of the same nutrients.
Remember, while these superfoods can help make you healthier when eaten in moderation, be conscious of how you eat them. Many fruit juices, for instance, are so full of added sugar that that their benefits may become questionable.
What superfoods do you like best – or which foods do you think are simply super? Tell us what you think in the Shop Talk blog community forum.

Did you know: What rhymes with orange?
Not cauliflower. But it turns out, while we associate oranges with Vitamin C, a same size serving of cauliflower has nearly as much of the nutrient. Granted, cauliflower juice isn’t quite as appetizing… (Source)
love what I am seeing so far. Debated whether or not to get into your email, as I am in my mid eighties and afraid to get into anything on the internet. Glad I clicked onto your sight. I have a good sized garden (28′ X 70’O) and wait all winter for garden time. I don’t grow corn because it takes up too much space and no longer do carrots because I can get those for a large bunch all year long for 89 cents but I plant my garden full of other veggies and herbs. They are sooo delicious. I am very active and stay focused. I love my garden and told my husband, “I won’t feel bad if I die in my garden” We live in a subdivision on 3/4 acres and I have been involved in gardening since I was 9 years old and in 4-H
I am a cancer survivor and did a lot of research on the healthiest foods to help prevent it from coming back. The ones most recommended were the berries, especially black raspberries,broccoli, or anything in that family, and cauliflower helps brain functions. The very worst thing I was told to avoid was hot dogs and sausages.
I do everything except the KALE…never tried it powdered…it’s just too curly for me to eat. where do you get powdered Kale ?
I love vegetables and would like different ways to prepare them
okay, also slimming foods for me…..crazy for vegetable s
Your skin very important to take care of
I enjoyed the information and services offered. I am an active very active. I enjoy in pool volley ball, tennis, baseball, swimming, fishing and the outdoors in summertime. Really
all year long in nice weather. Have RV must travel. 🙂
Very interesting items
I use powdered Kale in my coffee and other recipes. I love blueberries on my pancakes. I put strawberries in my cereal every morning. I like oranges but do not like to peel them.
I like blue berries on my pancakes
Love kale, husband with year old quad bypass, foods to be good foods…super foods, fish etc
I’ve learned quite a few new things in such a short time, I love reading learning new processes of the world. Thank you
What foods can I eat that actually help burn calories?
I didn’t know that Cauliflower was that Healthy but that’s an added Bonus.I love Cauliflower!!!
I love Strawberries and Blueberries any time of the year.