Earth Spotlight: What are you doing on World Cleanup Day?

In 2008, residents of the little Baltic republic of Estonia decided to do something big – and in just five hours on a single day, they came together to clean up the whole country.

The initiative was so successful that others all around the world were inspired to do the same. Ten years later, on September 15, 2018, beginning in New Zealand and ending in Hawaii, millions of volunteers in 150 countries will organize and undertake solid waste cleanups, raising awareness of the importance of a cleaner and healthier planet, helping to beautify neighborhoods, protect wildlife and more.

The organization behind World Cleanup Day is also building a central database of mismanaged waste and litter around the world to figure out where garbage is coming from and to help inform local and national policy makers.

How can you get involved? There are lots of ways!

Start mapping trash – Organizers of the global event have created an easy-to-use app for Android and Apple phones to help you seek out areas of unwanted trash in your and mark them for pickup on World Cleanup Day.

Join a local cleanup team – Visit here to find your country’s team leaders and other volunteers who plan on doing some cleaning up next month.

Get your gloves – Worldsavers are gloves designed especially for World Cleanup Day and can be used for any messy cleanups. Profits from the sale of the gloves support the World Cleanup Day Foundation and they’re a great way to raise awareness. You can buy yours here.

Can’t make it to World Cleanup Day but still want to do your part? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Pick up a piece of litter when you see it – and don’t litter in public.
  • If you smoke cigarettes, don’t throw your butts on the ground – it’s estimated as many as 4.5 trillion (with a ‘T’) are littered worldwide every year.
  • Plant a tree or bush.
  • Dispose of old computers and electronic equipment properly.
  • Organize a paper recycling drive at work and raise awareness about unnecessary paper usage.
  • Speak to your local school and town hall about organizing regular recycling drives and cleanup days.

Here are a few more.

What are you going to do to clean things up on World Cleanup Day – or any day? Check in with other members of the Shop Talk blog community forum, share your thoughts and plan a cleanup event in your area!

Did you know: 380 million humans

The goal of organizers is to enlist the support of 5% of the global population – or 380 million people – on September 15. Will you be one of them?

27 thoughts on “Earth Spotlight: What are you doing on World Cleanup Day?

  1. I still do the 2 for Tuesday = Whenever I am in Town/City (not necessarily on a Tuesday), I’ll Pick-up 2 piece of Trash that I walk by ,more if I can bend over for it. I walk with a cane due to no balance=head injury.

  2. No matter how small of an effort, everyone can make a difference! Be part of change in making America cleaner.

  3. I normally look out for trash around my apartment complex, as I take my dog for a walk around it 4X day. On Sept 15, I’ll pay extra attention to any trash.

  4. The problem with trash and waste is not so much in the rural areas as it is most inter-city areas. The suburbs are well taken care and do not suffer from the same problem. The question becomes how do you mobilize the suburbs to clean-up the inner cities. Communities have been struggling to resolve this problem for the last one hundred years. I certainly do not have the answer.

  5. I have enough to do to worry about going out and cleaning up trash. We have our local jailbirds that does that.

  6. If there is a way I could post this on my Face Book page, I’d be more than happy to do so! I cannot walk and need assistance with my power chair or I’d find out how to join a crew to join! I pray that people who are able to walk will join in and help clean up our mess not just today, but every day!

  7. Clean up your closets. Make sorter boxes in your house and put extra clothes, socks,towels, garments, purses, backpack, games, utensils, books, furniture, book shelves, storage containers, baskets, etc.

    Donate for a cause or donate to local institutions, orphanages etc.

    Ensure every festival or celebration u r organizing a giveaway. It could be food to the needy, organizing in your local school or community food or clothes collection centre,

    Every yard sale can be a treasure hunt . You can buy or share your yard stuff with those who donot have or cannot buy it.

    Create a wishlist among the teens and youth to promote good sharing and healthy communication.

    Schools should organize competition for children, youth and teenagers to sow a seed of generosity and help them to bloom into good citizens.

  8. That’s great. But I think cities need to require recycling. And companies should look into how they can cut down on waste.

  9. My grand daughters have started back to school. I love their new back packs. It is very hot here. They are getting to wear their new school shorts
    They are happy to be back in school.

  10. I signed up for your site to get free samples, coupons & cash gifts. I did this few weeks ago and I haven’t heard back from anyone yet. When do I receive anything from you? I’m interested but I’m not happy with what going on with this

    1. Hi Terry, thanks for asking. The coupons and samples come from our partners. The frequency varies depending on the time of year – more in the spring, fall and winter, and less in the summer. Most offers will arrive in your email inbox. I hope this helps.

  11. Back when I was young, litter was a huge problem. Today it is not as bad as it was then. Pictures of places in the third-world makes you wonder how they can allow things to get so bad. Plastic bags, bottles, and other plastic items seem out of control. We probably need to outlaw plastic throw-away item and go back to paper bags and returnable glass bottles.

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