Beauty, as the saying goes, may be only skin deep. But, whether we like it or not, much of the way we see ourselves and others see us rests in how skin looks. And it may explain why the global skincare market is expected to reach $135 billion this decade, with a virtually endless supply of often high-priced anti-aging creams, sunscreens, body lotions and other products and regimes designed to protect our body’s largest organ.
Faddish and tried-and-true concoctions aside, the Shop Talk team decided to go back to basics and look at what we actually know about taking care of our skin. Here’s what we found:
Never on a sun day: Sunlight isn’t all bad – it’s needed, of course, to help our bodies make vitamin D. But too much, as research clearly shows, is bad thing. Always wear sunscreen with both UVA and UVB protection and an SPF of at least 30, even when it’s not summer. Hats and protective clothing also help.
Out, out, damn spot: By the time we reach our 30s and 40s, our skin is often dotted with a variety of moles, beauty spots and other blemishes. It’s a good idea to get a complete once-over by a dermatologist, to look for anything out of the ordinary and catch melanoma, the deadliest kind of skin cancer, before it can become life-threatening.
(Make)up, up and away: Don’t wait till bedtime to remove your makeup. As soon as your home for the evening, gently clean your face. You’ll notice healthier skin.
Invest in your skin: Just because a moisturizer is expensive doesn’t mean it’s good for your skin, of course. But a lot of cheaper creams aren’t very effective either. Ask your dermatologist for suggestions for moisturizers that protect your skin from chemicals and pollutants and nourish it.
You are what you eat – your skin too: A variety of hard-to-digest foods, especially dairy, can find their way out of your body through your skin as acne, and trigger excessive oil production. Watch what you eat, and if you suspect your diet is affecting your skin health, speak to a dietician about healthier food options.
Sleeping beauty: Every cell and organ in your body benefits from rest, including your skin. Seven to eight hours of restful sleep each night can have a positive impact on the health of your skin.
How do you keep your skin healthy? Share your own tips and suggestions with the Shop Talk Blog community forum.

Did you know: Cell off
Your skin sheds about 30,000 cells – every minute! In fact, it’s estimated that more than half the dust in your home is really made up of dead skin cells (Source)
Enjoyed the survey, very relaxing.
We don’t get much of a winter out here in Ocala, FL
My skin goes through different cycles depending on the seasons and weather. I avoid soap because it dries my skin too much. I may use natural remedies like applying olive oil to my skin and hair. I use mineral makeup because I find it to be better than chemicals and liquid that is messy. Also, I avoid the sun these days due to risk of skin cancer and being fair skinned and Caucasian. Being tan is for those who can handle the heat.
would love to hear what products people are using for younger looking skin!
I have tried just about every moisturizer on the market. None of them worked. It felt like they were just sitting on my skin and not being absorbed. I bought a bottle of NOW Foods Apricot Oil at Whole Foods. You can buy it on Amazon also. It has made a huge difference in the look and feel of my skin. My doctors says that , at 74 years old, I have “wonderful” skin. I told her what I use and she now uses it herself and tells everyone about it. I use it on my face and my body; also, after my hair dries I rub just a little in my hands and run them through my hair. It really saves me a lot of money too.
Very helpful information.
Wow I learned a lot from this topic thanks for sharing
I believe commercial products have too many chemicals in them that have an accumulative effect on skin. I make a lot of my own products using essential oils, herbs and natural ingredients. I also try to eat organic vegetables and healthy foods. I cook meals at home most days. My skin is in great shape for my age.
That’s amazing about dust is more or less dead skin cells
Great information on the health and care of the skin and ways to protect it.
this is of no help. gave no suggestions on products.
People say I look younger than I am. I believe that stress ages you and that’s one thing I avoid at all cost. Find ways to relieve stress so it doesn’t show on your face.
There were tests run years ago on moisturizers and their effectiveness as well as costs. The results were that many of them weren’t any good as they didn’t do what they claimed to do. During that test, they also had certain ones use Crisco Shortening and it beat all the other moisturizers. Because I am allergic to makeups and all chemicals and my skin gets dry, I use Crisco for my hands and feet and Cetaphil which my Dr. recommended for my arms and legs, leaving my face alone due to the very slight smell.
Okay so all those ideas are great to keep skin young and healthy however some of those are not even possible in our day and age but we can stimulate our skin and the muscles in our face and neck just by doing a few simple easy things such as what I try and do everyday even though I look ridiculous doing them… in the bathroom alone I like to make all kinds of crazy dramatic ugly weird faces in the mirror like open your mouth as wide as possible or your eyes as wide as possible I once read how many muscles u use to smile everyday it’s a ton so I began doing this …. I also rub in circles each area of my face I know sounds so dumb but stimulating each part of our face keeps it alive and youthful
I definetly agree with this article you need to protect your skin from the sun by applying sunscreen everyday what I like to do is purchase my makeup with uv/30 atleast. I’m really bad at taking out my makeup at night when I’m very overworked but when I do I like to wash my face with face soap I love to use fruit soap so my skin can get as much natural ingredients as possible. I also find putting on Vaseline overnight is super helpful to rejuvenate skin. You do no need expensive products natural home made masks will do the trick, eating healthy sleeping well is all very important to have a fresh looking skin. Hope this helps because it has for me I like to keep it simple.
Moisturizer lover… lol
I tried to take your survey for some reason it kept sayng I finished the survey