Shop Talk Blog
Practical tips and trends to help you live better from Shopper's Voice and the Shop Talk community.

11 tips for making your garage sale great.

  Consider this: the average household has 300,000 items  or another way to look at it, there are more things in your home than there are people in Cincinnati. As comedian George Carlin might have said, thats a lot of stuff. So before the temperature drops and  depending on where you live  […]

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Remodeling your old kids rooms? Some tips and caution

  If your kids are off to university,moved out or married, you may be faced with one of the biggest decisions youve had to make in 15 or 20 years: what to do with their bedrooms? For some empty nesters, the question answers itself they sell the family home and opt for more bucolic quarters […]

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Baking the perfect brunch

  The inspiration for brunch can be traced back hundreds of years and a continent away to when the British upper class  or at least their kitchen staff  prepared early lunches of chicken galantines, sliced headcheese and port wine to feed gentlemen between their morning and afternoon fox hunting. These days, were more […]

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